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21图​ 海外服【刘协 群 2版】 《三国杀》武将技能资料库汇总 【身份局】

《后汉书》记载献帝:孝贤帝忌歇,灵帝中子也。 《遗律》云:“聪明睿智,谓之贤”。 谢字称为和。 《张繁记》云:“灵帝以帝为己,故号谢”。 《帝制》曰:“谢,字伯赫。” 皇后为何要伤害母后的美貌? 中平六年四月,少帝即位,封渤海王,谥陈留王。

甲戌九月,皇帝即位,年九岁。 太后被迁往永安宫。 董卓也动了。 《洛阳宫名》云:“永安宫周长六百九十八尺,故其基座在洛阳古城内”。 特赦天下。 改昭宁为永汉。 丙子,董卓杀了何太后。

初时,宫中侍者六人,黄门侍者六人。 《汉书续》云:“中侍,值两千石,无人员”。 《汉书·关义》云:“侍中,左有蝉,右有貂,这是秦朝宰相的历史,他来往于宫中,所以他谓之中侍,分掌而骑。公仆,下至虎子属下,负责器物之淫。武帝时,孔安国为侍中。身为儒生,专门负责掌管唾壶,朝廷对他尊崇有加,到了东京,属少府,无职,是个儒生,出来时,一人携国玺,挥舞斩蛇剑,参骑,及中官皆禁。 又曰:“赐石黄门大臣,六百石,无人员。处理左右侍从,赐石忠使,负责联络中外。” 应劭道:“黄门侍人每晚拜清锁门,号曰西郎。” 《御府志》云:“禁门曰黄门,中人掌管,故名黄门令。” 但黄门郎在黄敏内部工作,故称黄门郎。 由于没有人员,所以这里安置了六个人。 《献帝起居笔记》云:“黄门被处决后,禁止奴仆、大臣出入,秘密被泄露。故王玉乃报告,奴仆、黄门不准。”进出。从此以后客人就被拦住了。” 交给巩晴。 他下到黄门仆家,有一名男子作为仆人,补充太监所领导的职务,在宫中侍奉。 灵帝熹平四年,改平准为中准,令太监。 由于各种内部命令下达之后,宰相都任命太监来负责,所以现在他也命令士人代为负责。

乙酉年,太尉刘裕被任命为大司马。 董卓自称太尉,加钺、虎剑。 《礼记》云:“诸侯赐鈇乐,而后专杀”。 《说文》云:鈇,亦有刃。 《仓颉篇》云:“鈇,亦谓斧。” 加鈇越者,可专攻杀戮。 还。 丙戌,太中大夫杨彪为司空。 甲午年间,豫州牧人黄琬为司徒

遣使拜谒已故太傅陈泛、将军窦武等人。 冬十月乙巳,灵思皇后下葬。

白波盗贼侵扰河东。 《学应书》云:“黄巾郭泰等起于西河白波谷,时称白波匪。” 董卓派大将牛辅前去攻打。

癸酉十一月,董卓就任国相。 1898年12月,司徒黄宛为太尉,司空杨彪为司徒,光禄勋荀爽为司空。

扶风太守被任命为汉安太守。 扶风队长身价两千石。 武帝元四年建鼎,中兴不改。 至此,羌人扰乱三辅,遂得救。 设护军,命大总统西行。







庚辰,董卓杀了城门校尉吴琼、都督校尉周矩。 必须听到声音。 《东关记》云:“周爵,豫州刺史沉之子。” 《汉书》、《魏志》延续,写为“毖”,意为声音秘密。 以光鲁迅、赵谦为太尉,《谢承述》云:“谦字彦信,太尉赵节之孙,蜀县成都人。” 任命侍郎王允为司徒。

定海迁都长安。 董卓将百姓从京城驱逐到西边,定居在碧桂园。


三月乙巳日,驱车入长安,参观未央宫。 未央宫是萧何所建。 张范记载:“入宫之日,大雨天黑,斋雉飞入长安宫。”


五五日,董卓杀太傅袁隗、侍郎袁吉,夷其部落。 魏,邵氏叔父。 姬,袁术的母亲,弟弟。 卓从山东起兵,主要依靠绍、蜀,故杀其亲。 《献帝春秋》云:“池口以上男女五十余人,皆入狱而死”。

夏五月,司空寻霜去世。 辛丑六月,光禄大夫奔司空。

大鸿路韩荣、少府尹秀、织金吾胡穆班,《风俗》云:“胡穆,姓氏,陈胡公之后。子到齐后,齐国诞生,齐宣王的母亲和兄弟是我的家乡离胡公较远,又靠近我的故乡,所以叫胡穆家。” 大工匠吴修、越骑尉王贵安齐聚关东。 后被袁术将军、河内太守王匡各杀。 《英雄传》云:“况字公节,泰山人,好慈善事业,在袁绍时被封为游侠,任河内太守。” 只有韩蓉被豁免了。

董卓破五铢钱,铸造小钱。 光武中兴除王莽货币外,还使用了五铢钱。


这一年,有秘书报告说和、安、舜、桓四帝无功无功,不宜称为宗族。 而且,恭怀、静隐、恭愍三位皇后都不是嫡系,不适合封号。 请删除他们的头衔。 ”芝说:“是啊。 和帝为穆宗,安帝为公宗,舜帝为景宗,桓帝为微宗。 和帝尊其母梁贵人为恭怀皇后,安帝尊其祖母宋贵人为景隐皇后,舜帝尊其母李氏为恭敏皇后。 孙坚杀荆州刺史王睿。 《王家谱》说:“睿名童尧,晋太保相叔。” 《吾录》曰:“瑞素对简无礼,简此时欲杀瑞。瑞曰:“我有何罪?”简曰:“我只是坐在那儿,什么也不知道。”瑞曰:“我有罪吗?”绝望至极,刮金饮而死。” 又杀南阳太守张子。



袁术派将军孙坚、董卓将军胡震去讨伐杨人。 阳人居明,属河南郡,旧城在今汝州梁县西。 据史书记载,秦灭东周,迁王于杨仁居,即是所在。 甄军大败。 董卓随后在洛阳挖掘了皇帝的陵墓。 夏四月,董卓入长安。


秋七月,司空仲被削去,光禄大夫济南淳于贾就任司空。 太尉赵骞被革职,太常马日喜继任太尉。

九月,焦、康见蚩尤旗。 《天官书》云:“蚩尤旗如彗星而后曲,如旗”。 萤火之精也。 《鲁国春秋》云:“其色上黄下白,见之,君王征四方”。 角,康,青龙之星。


十一月,青州黄金攻泰山,泰山太守应劭击败。 黄巾军投向寇渤海,公孙瓒与东光交战,再次击败黄巾军。 东光,今沧州县。




袁绍与公孙瓒战于街桥。 北州宗城县东有古界城,濒临库丈河,故界桥在此。 瓒军大败。

夏辛巳四月,董卓被杀,夷三部被灭。 司徒王允录尚书、掌政务,遣使张忠安抚山东。

青州黄巾军在东平杀了兖州刺史刘岱。 东郡刺史曹操在寿章击败黄巾军,投降。



董卓起兵李傕、郭汜、范丑、张济等人,攻打京城。 六月戊午日,攻克长安城。 太常中府、太仆陆虚、大鸿禄三人问周焕。 《三府厥录注》曰:“欢品格文明,茂陵人。” 城门校尉崔烈。 越骑校校尉王琪战死。 齐寅祈祷道。 官员和人民死亡一万余人。 李傕等人自封为将军。


李傕杀司隶校尉黄万、甲子,杀司徒王允,皆灭族。 丙子,原将军赵谦被任命为司徒。

庚子秋七月,太尉马日奚为太傅,记尚书事。 八月,遣日喜与钦差大臣赵齐去安抚天下。 车骑将军皇甫嵩被封为太尉。 司徒赵谦。

九月,李傕为车骑将军,郭汜为后将军,范丑为右将军,张济为东将军。 计春弘农。


冬十二月,免太尉皇甫嵩。 光禄大夫周忠,被任命为太尉,参与记录尚书事务。

四春正月甲寅朔,有日食。 《元弘记》曰:“午后未及八分,太师命大王奏奏曰:‘日晷太长,无变化。’” 臣子皆恭贺,皇命侍候,午后一刻钟前食,贾诩曰:“日晷太长,无变化。” 如果情况不明,有疑问,请向史官请教。 皇帝说:“天路遥远,事实难解。” 如果你要责怪历史学家,那我就更严重了。”



长安宣平城门外室崩塌。 《三府皇图》云:“长安城东侧的北头门也。”

夏五月,无云有雷。 六月的扶风,风很大,有雨,有冰雹。 华山崩塌。


下邳贼却轩自称皇帝。 《风俗记》云:“阙,姓,阙党童子后裔。宗衡家族有阙子,着书立说。”

雨水。 御史裴懋勋被送入狱,但他本属光部。 六月辛丑,天狗西北行。 《第一书》的读音义是:“声是天狗,寂是虚箭”。

农历九月初九,考试了四十多名儒生。 排名最高的候选人被授予博士称号,排名第二的王子被授予博士头衔,排名第二的由王子授予。 诏书上说:“孔子感叹‘学而不教’,说话也是实践的事。《论语》之文。不教则忘,今日学长读书人六十多岁了,背井离乡,求粮食补给。少校。我结婚生子上学,却空手而归,长期在田里呆着,心里很难受。永远没有任何荣耀的希望,如果他放弃了学业,就会被太子放弃。” 《刘爱贤》帝稷曰:“长安中时,传闻曰:‘吾头白,食不饱。 我只得裹上衣服,回到家乡。 圣主正在思考,用它来弥补他。 他穿着布衣服,被子是深黄色的。”


新丑,京城发生地震。 天上有星星。 《元弘记》云:“生于天师,自帝迁都,而后东迁。”




司空昭文免乙巳,卫尉张郃为司空。 《献帝春秋》说“兮”改为“甲”。


兴平元年春初一日,辛酉发布全国大赦令,改元为兴平。 甲子,皇帝贾元符。 仁武二月,追封王贵妃为嘉申灵怀皇后,葬于文昭陵。 定海,皇帝耕田。

三月,韩遂、马腾与郭汜、范丑战于长平关。 隋、滕皆败。 左中郎将刘范、原益州刺史中绍战死。 《前书》的读音义是:“长平,班名,有观其上。在赤阳宫南,距长安五十里,亦是泾水以南原遂城”。今天。” 《袁弘记》云:“时马腾至李傕等乱,益州刺史刘演及宗室大臣,遣使征招,皆以斩绝。”遣其子范将军伐滕,故凉州刺史栽植太常符之子绍,符为厥所杀,绍欲报仇,故争之。

夏丙子六月,分凉州、河西四县为蕲州。 古称晋城、酒泉、端黄、张掖。

丁丑,地震; 乌银,又是地震。 乙巳天黑,当日有日食。 皇帝退入正殿,与部属同寝,不听话五日。 大蝗虫。

壬子秋七月,免太尉朱俊。 武武年间,太常杨彪为太尉,记尚书尚书。

从四月到本月,三府大旱。 皇帝避难正殿求雨,并遣使洗涤俘虏。 洗就是清洁的意思。 当时粮食每壳有石斛兰50万株,豆类、小麦每壳有石斛兰20万株。 人们互相吃东西,骨头堆积起来。 皇帝派御史侯文从太仓运来米、豆,为饥饿的人煮粥。 过了很长一段时间,死者还没有回来。 皇帝怀疑这份礼物是空的,于是他亲自在皇帝面前量了一下,并尝试制作,却发现并不是真的。 《元洪记》曰:“时侍郎刘艾,取五升米、豆,于天子面前,盛三碗。于是圣旨曰:“五升米。豆子可得三碗饭,人却累了。 ”于是命下面的人,都到省馆致谢,报给侯文核实事实。 诏书上说:“如果不忍心小心,可以用五十根棍子。”从此,许多人得救了。

八月,冯以强叛乱,攻入县城。 郭汜、范丑击败他。






是年,扬州刺史刘繇在曲阿与袁术部将孙策作战。 策名伯符,孙坚之子。 曲阿,今润州县。 姚军大败,孙策控制江东。 《武志》曰:“自孙策伐尧,出兵占领会稽,策掌会稽太守。” 太傅马日喜卒于寿春。 寿春,县名,属九江县,即今寿春县。


乙亥二月,李傕杀范丑,攻郭汜。 丙寅三月,李傕威胁兴帝营寨,烧毁宫殿。


丁忧、郭汜攻打李傕,直抵朝廷。 《山阳公在记》云:“当时,弓弩齐射,箭如雨下,直达皇帝驻足高楼前的帘子。” 当日,李傕感动了兴北武帝。 伏谦《公文》云“营曰吴,彼曰老城”。 《山阳公载记》云:“天子在南吴,厥在北吴。箭射中厥左耳,迎天子,幸在北吴。天子不从,故强者。”会做的。”


五月壬午,李傕成为大司马。 六月庚午日,张继从陕西来,与厥、斯会合。

秋天七月,我驱车向东返回。 郭汜为车骑将军,杨鼎为后将军,杨奉为兴邑将军,董承为安吉将军。 张继成为飘旗将军,回到陕西。 八月甲辰带来好运。 1898年10月冬,郭汜命部将吴熙夜间烧毁校舍,逼迫民众乘虚而入。 杨鼎、杨奉与郭汜交战,将郭汜击败。 壬寅,幸华寅,禄次道南。 正是夜晚,紫宫之中,有红色的能量流淌。 《献帝春秋》云:“赤气宽六七尺,东达殷,西达须地。” 张济再次叛乱,与李傕、郭汜联合。 十一月庚午,李傕、郭汜等追成于,战于东涧。 王师兵败,杀鲁迅登全,护卫孙锐,廷尉宣伯,大昌丘妙思,献帝春秋“伯”“璠”也。 步兵上校魏杰、侍中朱瞻、舍生举军上校。 《风俗》云:“鞠,姓氏,黄帝时史官所诵。” 声音一侧相反。 壬申,幸曹阳,暴露于天中。 曹阳,溪名,位于今陕西西南七里,俗称七里溪。 崔浩云说:“从南山以河连接北边。” 杨奉、董成率百勃帅胡才、李乐、韩贤及匈奴左贤王至北,率兵迎战,与李傕等人交战,大败。 十二月庚辰日,车马行进。 李绝等人回来追战。 国王的军队大败,宫里的人全部被杀。 青年田奋、宰相张仪均战死。 入兴山,夜渡江。 乙海,幸安乙。

是年,袁绍遣大将曲义、公孙瓒出战抱丘。 包丘,水名,出北塞,流经九庄岭东而南流。 俗称大禹河。 而渔阳县旧城以东东南,为瓒战址。 参见《水经注》。 瓒军大败。

建安元年春,正月初一,癸酉,在郊外安邑祭神,大赦天下,改元为建安。 。


现在是夏季的第六个月末,所以我很高兴听到这个消息。 秋七月,驱车至洛阳。 还好我经常伺候赵忠照。 丁丑在郊外祭神,大赦天下。 己卯日,参观太庙。 辛丑八月,幸得南宫阳安宫。


当时,宫殿被烧毁,百官都披荆斩棘,靠墙休息。 州郡各有兵力强大,却无法战胜。 官员们饥肠辘辘,精疲力尽。 大臣和属下出去采集米粒,制作米粒。 《皮仓》云:“大麦自生”。 大米和麸皮是一样的。 有的死于饥饿,有的被士兵杀害。

1911年,镇东将军曹操掌司隶校尉,记尚书尚书。 曹操杀了他的侍从钟太冲、尚书冯硕等人。 《风俗》云:“金田氏之孙,名太尼,其后裔为颜”。 《山阳公在记》说“台”字是“锅”。 封护卫将军董承为辅国将军。 傅完等十三人被封为侯爵,鞠俊被封为弘农太守。

庚申,徐迁都。 己巳,幸曹操营。

九月,太尉杨彪、司空张熙罢。 冬十一月丙戌,曹操为军帅,骑马行军,群臣听从。

第二年春,袁术称帝。 三月,袁绍自封大将军。

夏五月,蝗虫肆虐。 秋九月,汉水泛滥。

饥荒之年,江淮闲民自相残食。 袁术杀了陈王冲。 孙策遣使进贡。

三年夏四月,使者裴茂率中郎将段玄攻打李傕、夷人。 《献帝起居注》云:“相传厥头至徐,上悬圣旨。”




四年春三月,袁绍攻义荆公孙瓒,攻克之。 公孙瓒屡战屡败,遂在伊水附近建都以巩固自己,故名伊景。 它的城市有三层,周长六英里。 今内城有土井,位于幽州归邑县南。 《尔雅》云:“谓之都极高,非人所筑之丘。”



这个年纪,第一次被任命为左右尚书。 武陵女子死后第十四天复活。 《汉书续记》记载:“女子李鹗,六十多岁,死在城外。有路人闻墓内有响声,叫其家人出来。”

五年春正月,车将军董成、偏将军王辅、越骑校尉钟吉奉密旨讨伐曹操,事情败露。 壬午,曹操杀东城等夷族。

秋七月,封太子为南阳王。 壬午,南阳封王死。

农历九月初一,会发生日食。 命三大臣提拔二人为至孝,九卿、小微、宰相各一人。 皆掌管封印事宜,凡事忌讳。

曹操与袁绍在官渡交战。 裴松之《北伐实录》中说:“中谋楼脚近汴河,为官渡,袁绍、曹操根据地尚存多少。” 在今郑州市中牟县北部。 绍败走。

1911年10月冬,大良星光璀璨。 大良,分为单位。


这一年,孙策被徐公恪射杀。 剩下的生意由弟弟全接手。 全名仲谋。



向国家提供驯服的大象。 驯服大象意味着遵循自己的意志。


已经是冬八十月了,公卿在新年伊始就迎来了北郊的冬天。 这个仪式已经废弃很长时间了,所以被称为立冬。 总章从八燕舞的准备开始。 《元弘记》云:“营期北郊,将用八佾”。佾是柱的意思。 这就是所谓的舞者游行。 以前因混乱而废弃,现在正在准备。 总章,正式名称。 古代的“安代乐”。

初设署直官、中央巡抚。 思知,其品级高达两千石,元寿五年被武帝任命。 他负责辅佐首相,他的行为是违法的。 建武十一年设省,现已恢复。



十二月,赐金帛三太子,各有异。 由于它每三年举行一次,因此被认为是一个定期制度。

十年春正月,曹操在青州击败袁谭,并将其斩首。 《魏书》云:“不能攻谭,则适时以鼓破之。”

夏四月,黑山匪张衍率部投降。 "Wei Zhi" says: "Yan, whose real surname is Chu, is from Changshan Zhending. When the Yellow Turbans arose, Yan gathered young men together to form a group of bandits, more than ten thousand of them, with Zhang Niujiao from Boling as the leader. Niujiao died, and Yan took over as the leader, so he changed his surname to Zhang. . Yan is brave, his military nickname is Zhang Feiyan. There are millions of people, and his nickname is Black Mountain Bandit."

In the ninth month of autumn, all officials, especially the poor, will be given gold and silk.

In the first month of the spring of the eleventh year, there were stars in the Beidou.

In March, Cao Cao defeated Gao Gan in Bingzhou and captured it. "Dian Lun" says: "Wang Yan, the captain of Shangluo, defeated him and pursued him and beheaded him."

In the seventh month of autumn, Zhang Meng, the governor of Wuwei, killed Handan merchants, the governor of Yongzhou. Yuan Hong's "Han Ji" said "Yongzhou" is also called "Liangzhou".

At this year, Rong Zixi, the former king of Langye, was made king of Langye. The eight countries of Qi, Beihai, Fuling, Xiapi, Changshan, Ganling, Jibei and Pingyuan were all eliminated.

In the autumn and August of the twelfth year, Cao Cao defeated Wuhuan in Liucheng and killed Tadun. Tadun, the name of the King of the Huns. Liucheng, the name of the county, belongs to Liaoxi County, now Yingzhou County.

In the tenth month of winter, there are stars in the tail of the quail. Quail's tail is divided into six.

Yisi, the Yellow Turban bandits killed Wang Yun of Jinan. The fifth generation grandson of King Hexian Xiao.

In November, Gongsun Kang, the governor of Liaodong, killed Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi.

In the first month of the spring of the thirteenth year, Situ Zhao Wen was exempted.

In June of Xia, the three public officials were dismissed and the prime minister and censor were appointed. Guisi, Cao Cao became prime minister.

In the seventh month of autumn, Cao Cao marched south to conquer Liu Biao.

At the end of the eighth month, Guang Luxun and Xi Lu were appointed as censors. The continuation of Hanshu says: "Lü, whose courtesy name is Hongyu, was born in Gaoping, Shanyang. He rarely studied under Zheng Xuan."

In the year of Renzi, Cao Cao killed Kong Rong, the great official of Taizhong, and barbarized his tribe.

In that month, Liu Biao died, and his young son Cong was established. Cong surrendered to Jingzhou and surrendered to Cao.

In the tenth month of winter, when Gui Wei Shuo comes, there will be food on the sun.

Cao Cao used his boat division to attack Sun Quan, and Quan defeated Zhou Yu at Wulin and Chibi.

In the winter of October of the 14th year, there was an earthquake in Jingzhou.

In the spring of the fifteenth year, in the second month of Yisi, there was an eclipse.

In the autumn and September of the 16th year of Gengxu, Cao Cao fought with Han Sui and Ma Chao in Weinan. Sui and others were defeated and Guanxi was defeated. "The Biography of Cao Man" says: "At that time, Lou Zibo said to Cao: 'Today is cold, we can make a city out of sand, fill it with water, and it can be built overnight.' The public followed it, and the city was built in the Ming Dynasty. Chao, then several challenges Unfavorable, use the tiger cavalry to attack from a pincer attack, defeat them, overtake them, and then go to Liangzhou."

That year, King Zhao pardoned his death.

In the summer of the 17th year, in the fifth month of Guiwei, the Weiwei Ma Teng and the Yi tribe were executed.

In June, Geng Yin is dark, and there will be an eclipse on the sun.

In the seventh month of autumn, the Jishui and Yingshui rivers overflow. borer.

In August, Ma Chao defeated Liangzhou and killed the assassin Wei Kang.

In the ninth month of Gengxu, Prince Xi was made King of Jiyin, Yi was King of Shanyang, Miao was King of Jibei, and Dun was King of Donghai. "Shan Yang Gong Zai Ji" says: "At that time, Xu Jing was in Bajun. When he heard that the kings had been established, he said: 'If you want to save someone, you must support them; if you want to seize them, you must protect them." This is called Meng De. Huh!'"

In the twelfth month of winter, the stars were among the five princes. The five princes are also named after stars.

In the spring of the 18th year of the first lunar month, Geng Yin, "Fu Yu" paid tribute to Jiuzhou. Emperor Xian said in the Spring and Autumn Period: "At that time, the province of You and its prefectures were merged with Jizhou; the province's Sili Xiaowei and its prefectures were merged with Liangzhou, and their prefectures were merged into Yongzhou; the province's Jiaozhou was merged with Jingzhou and Yizhou. So there were Yan and Yu , Qing, Xu, Jing, Yang, Ji, Yi, Yongye." Although the nine numbers are the same, there is no Liangzhou in Yugong's Yizhou, but Liang and Yi are also the same place.

In the fifth month of Xia Bingshen, Cao Cao established himself as Wei Gong and added Jiuxi. The case "Li Han Wen Jia" says: "Nine tins refer to the first one is chariots and horses, the second one is clothes, the third one is musical instruments, the fourth one is Zhuhu, the fifth one is Nabi, the sixth one is one hundred warriors and warriors, the seventh one is axes and axes, the eighth one is bows and arrows, and the ninth one is called bows and arrows. It's called "駬鬯".


King Gui of Zhao moved to Zhao and became King Boling.

It's the year of the year, and the stars of Sui, Zhenxing, and Yinghuo are all in Taiwei. In the autumn of that year, the three stars retrograded into Taiwei, and the emperor stayed for fifty days. King Pengcheng died.

In the nineteenth year, there was a drought in summer and April. May, rain.

Liu Bei defeated Liu Zhang and took control of Yizhou.

In the tenth month of winter, Cao Cao sent general Xia Houyuan to attack Song Jian in Pouhan and captured it. Wuhan County belongs to Jincheng County, now Hezhou County. "Wei Zhi" says: "Yuan was named Miaocai, and he was a native of Pei State."

On Ding Mao in the eleventh month, Cao Cao killed Queen Fu and destroyed her family and the two princes. "Shan Yang Gong Zai Ji" says: "Liu Bei heard about it in Shu and mourned."

In the spring of the 20th year of the first lunar month, Jiazi, the noble Cao family was made queen. Bestow upon the world a noble man, with the first level of human being, and the second level of filial piety and power. The following valleys are given to princes, princes and ministers, each with their own differences.

In the seventh month of autumn, Cao Cao defeated Hanzhong and Zhang Lu surrendered.

In the summer of the 21st month of the 4th month of the Jiawu Period, Cao Cao promoted himself as King of Wei.

On the first day of the fifth month, there will be an eclipse.

In the seventh month of autumn, the Xiongnu Nan Shanyu came to court.

That year, Cao Cao killed Langxie Wang Xi and the country was eliminated. He planned to cross the river but was executed.

In the summer and June of the 22nd year, Hua Xin, the prime minister's military advisor, became the censor.

In winter, there are stars in the northeast.

It's a big epidemic.

In the spring of the 23rd year of the first lunar month, Geng Ji, the Shaofu, and Sizhi Weihuang, the Prime Minister, raised an army to kill Cao Cao, but they failed and the Yi tribe was defeated. The annotation of Sanfu Jue's Record says: "At that time, Quanyi, named Dewei, thought he was acting as a minister of the Han Dynasty. He became angry, and together with Geng Ji and Wei Huang, they wanted to coerce the emperor to attack Wei and help Liu Bei in the south. After the defeat, Yi San clan.”

In March, there are stars in the east. Du Yu's annotation on "Zuo Zhuan" says that "on the evening of the twelfth lunar month, all the stars are gone, but the stars are visible", so he does not say where they are.

In the spring and February of the twenty-fourth year, Renzi was dark, and there was an eclipse on the sun.

In the fifth month of summer, Liu Bei took Hanzhong.

In the seventh month of Autumn, Gengzi, Liu Bei claimed to be the King of Hanzhong.

In August, the Han River overflows.

In the eleventh month of winter, Sun Quan took Jingzhou.

In the spring of the twenty-fifth year of the first lunar month of Gengzi, King Cao Cao of Wei died. Wei Zhi said that Cao Cao, named Mengde, died at the age of sixty-six. Zi Pi ascended the throne. Wei Zhi said, Pi's courtesy name is Zihuan, and he is the crown prince of Cao.

On the first day of the second lunar month, there will be an eclipse on the sun.

In March, it was changed to Yankang.

On Yi Mao, the tenth month of winter, the emperor abdicated, and Wei Wang Pi became the emperor. To be inferior is to give way. Xiandi Chunqiu said: "When the emperor summoned all the ministers and ministers to report to the high temple of the ancestral temple, he ordered Taichang to announce the festival, hold the seal and ribbon, and place Zen in the King of Wei. The altar was built in the old city of Fanyang. The King of Wei ascended the altar and received it. The emperor's seal and ribbon." The emperor was named Shanyang Gong. Shanyang is the name of the county. It belongs to Hanoi County. The old city is in the northwest of Xiuwu County in Huaizhou. There are 10,000 households in the city, and they sit on top of the princes and kings. They do not acknowledge their ministers when doing things, and do not worship when they receive edicts. They use the emperor's chariots and uniforms to worship heaven and earth in the suburbs. The ancestral temples, ancestors, and temples are all like the Han system, and the capital is Zhuolu City in Shanyang. Zhuolu, also known as Zhuocheng or Qingyang City, is located in the northeast of Xiuwu County, Huaizhou. Those who were granted the title of king by the four princes were all demoted to the rank of marquis.

Next year, Liu Bei will proclaim himself emperor in Shu, and Sun Quan will become emperor in Wu, so the world will be divided into three parts.

In March of the second year of Wei Qinglong's reign, Shanyang Gong passed away. From his abdication to his death, it lasted four years. At the age of fifty-four, he was given the posthumous title of Emperor Xiaoxian. In the eighth month of Renshen, he was buried in the Chan Mausoleum with the rites of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. The continuation of the Han Dynasty Book says: "When the Emperor was buried, the imperial servant drove a four-wheeled chariot as a guest chariot, and a large train was used as a curtain. There were twenty people each in the middle Huangmen and Huben gates holding silk ribbons. . Sikong chooses the soil to make it and wears it. The Taishi divination will make it into a yellow intestine, a title piece, and a toilet, just like etiquette. A great chariot and a great servant. Fang Xiangshi has four golden eyes, is covered with bearskin, wears black clothes and Zhu Shang, and holds a gun. The banner is raised, and four horses are set up to lead the way. The flag is long and three-edged, with two out of ten hooks trailing the ground, depicting the sun, moon, and rising dragon. The book says "the coffin of the emperor". The two people who are paying homage are followed by six horses. Tai Chang knelt down and cried, and raised his voice at the fifteenth hour to stop crying. During the day, there was water leakage, please send it out. Situ and Henan Yin first led the carriage around, and Taichang said, "Please come and see me off." The carriage was covered with three knots of white silk, and the gauze was thirty feet long. Seven inches in circumference; six rows, fifty people. All three hundred of the prince's sons and daughters are all wearing plain turbans, wearing crowns and hats, and wearing plain clothes and arms. The three captains, all wearing red turbans and no hats, hold banners and banners. They all had titles. There were sixty Yulin orphans and singers of "Ba Yu" in six columns. Eight Sima men were in charge of the priest. When they arrived at Xianmen in the south of the mausoleum, Situ knelt down and asked to come down to the room. They all led the Dongyuan warriors to enter the room. The deacon issued a bright weapon, and Tai Zhu came to present the wine. General Sikong restored the school to its original state." Yan Yin's disciples rebelled. "Emperor's Chronicle" says: "The Zen Mausoleum is ten miles northwest of Zhuolu City and twenty-five miles north of Xiuwu County, Huaizhou. The mausoleum is two feet high and has a circumference of two hundred steps." Liu Chengzhi's "Diji" says: "In the Han, Zen and Wei Dynasties , so I named him Yan." He was appointed as the magistrate of the city of Yuanyuan.

The prince died early, Sun Kang was in office for fifty-one years, and Taikang of Jin died in six years. Zijin lived for four years and Taikang died in ten years. In the 20th year of Ziqiu's reign, Yongjiazhong was killed by barbarians and the country was wiped out.

The argument goes: It is said that the tripod is a vessel, although it is small but heavy, so it is a treasure of the gods and cannot be taken away. "Zuo Shi Zhuan" Wang Sunman said: "Jie had a weak virtue, so Ding moved to Shang; Shang Zhou was tyrannical, so Ding moved to Zhou. If his virtue is not clear, although it is small, it is important; if he is traitorous and confused, although he is big, it is light. .” Therefore, God's treasure cannot be taken away. To those who tend to be in trouble, this is also the end of bad luck! It is said that the magical weapon is very important, and if it is carried away by others, it will be exhausted at this time, and it cannot be revived. "Zhuangzi" said: "Hiding a boat in a gully, hiding a mountain in a marsh, is said to be solid. However, those who are strong will bear it, but those who are ignorant do not know it." Heaven has been disgusted with Han's virtue for a long time, how can he punish Shanyang! Tired, tired; punished, blamed. Since the time of Emperor He of the Han Dynasty, political and religious affairs have been delayed, so it is said that heaven has been disgusted with the virtues of Han Dynasty for a long time. The disaster is not the fault of Dushan Yanggong, so why should he be punished? "Zuo Zhuan" Song Ziyu said: "Heaven hates business ethics." Confucius said: "Why should I punish you?"

Praise said: I sacrificed my life without leaving my body, and my body spread throughout the country. Chen, time. Broadcast and move. Emperor Yan Xian was born at an untimely time, his body was relocated, and his country was in trouble. "Poetry" says: "I was not born in time." "Zuo Zhuan" says: "The shock spreads over time." I will eventually be four hundred, and I will always be a guest of Yu. "Spring and Autumn Acting Kong Tu" says: "When Liu was 400 years old, he praised the king of Han for assisting himself, and the emperor expected him to do so, but he would not be able to do it if he was famous." Song Jun noted: "Although he praised the people for being the king of Han and assisting themselves, it should be expected. The name is based on the person who photographed it, so the name is not appropriate." Yu Bin said that Shun regarded Yaozi Danzhu as his guest, and Yu Shu said "Yu Bin was in power." 这也是事实。 It is said that Duke Shanyang is the guest of Wei.



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