2023年9月13日,欧盟委员会主席乌苏拉·冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)宣布对欧盟从中国大陆进口的纯电动汽车(BEVs)进行反补贴调查。2024年10月29日,欧盟委员会宣布了针对纯电动汽车的反补贴措施,并对欧盟企业从中国大陆进口的纯电动汽车征收最高达35.3%的反补贴税。反补贴税将在现有的10%的进口关税基础上进行征收。这些措施于2024年10月30日生效。欧盟委员会还确认,反补贴税细则将确定会出台。
EU imposes definitive anti-subsidy duties on battery electric vehicles from the mainland of China
On 29 October 2024 the European Commission published a draft of the Implementing Regulation to impose definitive anti-subsidy duties on EU imports of battery electric vehicles (“BEVs”) from the mainland of China. It is expected that the measures will enter into force on 30 October 2024.
Situation overview
On 13 September 2023, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced anti-subsidy investigations into EU imports of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) from the mainland of China. On 29 October 2024 the Commission announced the definitive anti-subsidy measures on battery electric vehicles and imposes countervailing duties for tariffs of up to 35.3% on EU imports of BEVs from the mainland of China. The countervailing duties will be on top of the existing 10% import duty. It is expected that the measures will enter into force on 30 October 2024. The European Commission also confirmed that provisional countervailing duties will definitely be released.
The duties will apply to BEVs falling under HS code 870380 (vehicles used for the transport of up to nine passengers), manufactured in the mainland of China and imported to the EU by both Western OEMs producing in the mainland of China and Chinese OEMs. Application of individual duty is conditional upon presentation of a valid commercial invoice confirming the respective producer of the vehicles in the mainland of China
Impact of the anti-subsidy measures
The countervailing duty at a rate of up to 35.3% will significantly impact the cost of imported vehicles. EY calculated that the potential total impact of the additional duties for BEV imports into the EU will be around 2.5 billion Euros. This may accelerate production shifts to the EU and other locations outside of the mainland of China.
Potential impact on your business
Businesses need to consider the broader implications of these measures, including the potential for increased production costs, supply chain disruptions, and the necessity for strategic adjustments. If trade restrictions escalate, retaliation could affect the supply chain, including critical minerals and BEV technologies, even unrelated industries. While we understand your company may have closely monitored the developments and assessed the impact on the overall supply chain of the business and the location strategies, given the EU nature of such rule, we would suggest to have the local EU review / input on the cost benefit analysis / feasibility study on any potential operation changes proposed within your company. In addition to the change of the business, compliance with trade and customs laws, particularly focusing on customs valuation and origin rules, the intercompany pricing and relevant European tax considerations should be carefully assessed.
While we understand your company may have closely monitored the developments and assessed the impact on the overall supply chain of the business and the location strategies, given the EU nature of such rule, we would suggest to have the local EU review / input on the cost benefit analysis / feasibility study on any potential operation changes proposed within your company. In addition to the change of the business, compliance with trade and customs laws, particularly focusing on customs valuation and origin rules, the intercompany pricing and relevant European tax considerations should be carefully assessed.