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14图​ OL界限突破【刘禅 蜀 4版】 《三国杀》武将技能资料库汇总 【身份



本摘要更新于 2022 年 1 月 30 日



——202201 OL境界突破2——






——2020 OL边界突破1——







享受:哼,打打杀杀真是无聊。 /我妈是刘备!

去中心化:嘿,这怎么好? / 嘿嘿,有你办事我就放心了~

若愚:你不装疯,怎么能安然无恙呢? /全世界都看错我了,唉!

恐吓:扩张汉室,谁敢出去! / 我曹魏,我是无人吗?






放权:曹魏有他的父亲,我就安心。 / 这种事情,大家都可以安排。

若愚:如果你愚蠢的话,你就会欺骗所有人。 /愚蠢的人并不真正愚蠢。

恐吓:我的小妾,我的小妾,快来护送我! / 将军,给我拦住这个贼!

思蜀:你为何不怀念疏勒故乡? / 思乡心切,彷徨徘徊。





去中心化:可以跳过打牌阶段。 如果这样做,你的手牌上限就等于本轮体力上限。 此后,在本回合结束时,你可以丢弃一张手牌并让另一个角色进行额外回合。


























放权:我才学狭窄,皇兄代我处理。 / 事情繁杂,妃子们都能搞定。

若愚:你傻了,装傻了,就能保命了。 / 想想舒的计划就高兴,这并不是懦弱。

恐吓:曹魏复兴需要诸将出力。 / 艾妃,快来帮帮我吧。

四叔:梦回故乡,今晚我去哪里。 /蜀中有趣的事情,我很想。




放权:这件事可以靠爱妾来解决,我先吃饭。 / 有各位大臣在,我就放心了!

恐吓:什么是坚贞节! / 祖训在哪里?

若愚:这一切都是苟全的乱世人生! / 这种狡猾的行为可以说是一种自我保护的策略。

享受:爸爸不在,一边放着音乐,一边走动! / 放纵自己,不是一种快乐吗?





享受:人生苦短,及时享受吧。 / 安乐侯,永安乐侯,够了!

权力下放:军中事情由宰相决定,朝廷无事可做,朝廷分散~! /父亲,你看,你在攻击吗?

若愚:难得糊涂,难得糊涂。 / 上面是父亲,下面都是大臣,唉……

恐吓:请等我恐吓他而不是恐吓。 /哪位将军要出去? 我有一份丰厚的奖励!











宽松的政府 (NOVAR)












去中心化:嘿,这怎么好? / 嘿嘿,有你办事我就放心了~

享受:哼,打打杀杀真是无聊。 /我妈是刘备!

若愚:你不装疯,怎么能安然无恙呢? /全世界都看错我了,唉!

恐吓:扩张汉室,谁敢出去! / 我曹魏,我是无人吗?




去中心化:感谢黄哥! /一切都是相府决定的!

享受:载歌载舞,共促国家和人民平安、祥和富强! / 平静的日子是美好的。

若愚:人的智力虽有限,但志气未尽! /我的资质很懦弱,请帮助我!

恐吓:传出汉朝,谁出去! / 谁来为我而战!





若愚:我笑别人看不透。 /哼哼! 你是如此愚蠢!

恐吓:怎么办~怎么办! / 快点! 过来~



去中心化:艾妃可以试试! / 朝堂上的重要事情,可以商量。

享受:每晚看歌舞,躺醉温柔。 /今天有酒,打嗝~今天就喝醉吧。

若愚:乱世之王,人心难测,只能用这个方法来保护自己。 / 装傻也是无奈之举。

恐吓:没有关将军,朝堂就没有别人! /父亲在,何愁敌人不退!






放权:曹魏有他的父亲,我就安心。 / 这种事情,大家都可以安排。

若愚:如果你愚蠢的话,你就会欺骗所有人。 /愚蠢的人并不真正愚蠢。

威胁:爱我妾,爱我妾,快来护送我吧! / 将军,给我拦住这个贼!

思蜀:你为何不怀念疏勒故乡? / 思乡心切,彷徨徘徊。




去中心化:艾妃可以自己做。 /反清是大事,丞相之父可以全权处理!

享受:天府之国,人民自然安全,国家富强。 /战争扰乱民生,不如决断。

若愚:只有打上庸主的名号,蜀国的臣民才能安全! / 没有才能统治世界,所以我必须成为成功的主人。

恐吓:希望各位大臣齐心协力,保卫国家。 /哪个妃子愿意报效国家?




放权:有父亲帮助,我高兴安心。 /仅凭父亲的说法。

享受:不撮合、不争执、好、好、好! /快乐的日子如此短暂。

若愚:乱世中,谦虚是四肢之策。 / 我胸怀大志,却无处可去。

恐吓:巩固我们大汉王朝,人人有责! /满族中尉,没人敢出去吗?

战死:黄泉路上,若遇皇上,该如何欺瞒? 出色地……


放权:相府,你看,有攻击吗? /军中事由岳父定,朝中无事,朝堂四散!

享受:人生苦短,及时享受吧。 / 安乐侯,永安乐侯,够了!

若愚:难得糊涂,难得糊涂! / 上有大臣,下有大臣,唉!

恐吓:请等我恐吓他而不是恐吓。 /哪位将军要出去? 我有一份丰厚的奖励!



三国遗师传:遗师讳禅,字公嗣,前师子。 建安二十四年,先主为西安王,立为太子。 而即是诏书,书曰:“仅彰武元年八月甲辰,若臣曰:陈太子,我在汉朝受尽磨难,贼臣篡夺,国家有无主,民义,命定,我将继承大治。今日禅为太子,继承官职,唯治国家。使使持节梁相授封印,恭敬听师父的话,做一件事,得到三件好事,不要强求!” 【礼记:兴者,一物而三善者,惟天下子,其牙善而学也。 郑玄道:“东西还是东西。” 】三年夏六月,先主病逝于永安宫。 四月,主攻于北京,时年十七岁。 皇后被称为皇帝、皇帝。 大赦,元变。 是魏皇初二年。 【魏略道:当初我在小沛,没想到曹公死了,更没有抛弃家人,然后去了汉中。 禅时,几岁,逃隐。 与人西行荆州,被人出卖。 而建安十六年,陇右大乱。 凤翔人刘阔,为避乱,前往荆州。 他买了禅宗,询问他家的好儿子。 他把他当作儿子抚养,娶了妻子,生了一个儿子。 当楚禅与北相失散时,他认出了父亲的名字玄德。 彼社有一个人,名叫简,简准备为益州将军,简被派到西安,住在舍都。 禅讲的是简单,简单是检验的基础,一切都得到验证。 简兮与张鲁言,鲁派他到豫州求息母,贝乃立他为太子。 诸葛亮当初被用为太子侍从,到了禅定后,被任命为宰相,委以诸事。 他对梁说:“政事归葛家,祭祀寡妇。” 。 陈松案:《主妃二人传》说“后主生于徐州”,后主又说“初为皇帝,年十七岁”,所以他出生于建安十二年。 十五年后,他在长坂战败,准备抛弃母亲。 赵云曰:“云身抱弱,不避之”,即后继者。 这样,准备和禅就不矛盾了。 另外,诸葛亮今年领豫州牧师以禅为基础,其年与侍郎杜维书写“去年清廷十八年”,与禅传相对应,应属实。 但余寰云败于禅宗出身的小沛,到了汉中,才得以认父名玄德,年仅五六岁。 北为小沛所败时,已是建安七年,至禅初,自始至终,有二十四年,应禅三十余年。 用事实来检验是不合理的。 这是魏略的废话,哪怕两百多字,也是不同的! 且群臣与诸葛亮齐聚,梁不为太子出手。 】

建兴元年夏,藏藏刺史朱褒支持县叛乱。 【魏氏春秋曰:初豫州,从事常府司。 听说包有不同的野心,被刺史接受审问,并被杀。 赞怒,攻杀方,诬告政变。 诸葛亮惩罚了他的儿子们,并将他的二弟迁往越军,希望他能够安全。 赞誉仍不改,郡县遂叛永开。 陈松案:认为房子被诬陷好评,政府应该调查。 为了取悦叛徒而杀害无辜又怎么样? 这几乎是痴心妄想! 】先是禹州郡有汉姓永开藩,流放刺史张氏出生于吴国。 正是张皇后的年纪。 遣使大臣邓植胜于吴,吴王孙权受聘为蜀和使。


五年春正月,丞相征南四郡,四郡皆夷平。 改禹州县为乐安县,广昌、永昌县划为河南县,政和、藏藏县划为兴谷县。 十二月,光复南京。

第四年春,护法李严从邵武回到江州,筑大城。 【这里是胶州广平。 】

七年春,丞相出现驻守兴平,营绵阳平石马。 【诸葛亮集禅五月圣旨:“闻天地之道,福仁祸;善积兴,恶积亡,古今不变。是唐吴修德为王,桀、周暴死,韩左中小,网漏凶,董卓作乱,败回京畿。无王之心。子皮独立,敢寻混沌列,盗利器,易姓易物,天下助其邪。此时,天子愚昧,天下无主,故吾帝之命会堕落。演文武,应宇宙命运,生于困境,主理四方,人鬼共谋,民能。生于帝纲,不坠。到地面。 诸国尚未安定,先辈已死。 我幼年出世,继承弘济。 吾未学宝福戒律,却生有祖宗之重。 六合若不通,社会不建,则永矣。 我想着救救,也只是一个前奏,如果不需要帮忙的话,我很害怕。 因此,我一直睡得很晚,不敢放松,总是用它来为国家造福。 能参听,断绝私自投降之意,以养将士。 若欲长剑,点邪,朱旗不举,陇必死而复生。 这就是所谓的不烧薪水,上吊自杀。 剩下的丑恶,还有天、河、洛的祸患,大军的抵抗还没有消除。 诸葛丞相忠厚坚强,忘身忧国。 先帝托付天下,跪拜于他。 现在他得到了斧头的重量,并且得到了他的特殊命令。 全,统率二十万步行骑兵,东都元戎,公行天刑,除烦安宁,攻克旧都,此行亦在此。 以往项吉总是人多势众,跨越诸国、各地,涉及的人也很大。 兵败于下邳,死于南城。 族群[如火]燃烧如千年笑声,无一人以义待人。 陵墓折磨人民。 这就是为什么小偷的行为和你一样。 祖先们互相拯救的强大精神的祝福必须被征服。 武王、孙权同情灾祸,潜军相互勾结。 战罢,秦州诸王派月氏、康居、呼侯知府、康至等二十余人受节,大军北上时,欲率兵马争先锋。 天命已聚,人事自来。 分清而力合,则所向无敌。 王兵,无战,尊义无人敢抵挡。 所以,鸣条之战,大军并没有刀光剑影。 牧野之师、商贾叛乱。 如今,城里第一条路,所经过的地方,不想穷。 若能弃恶从义,吃锅浆迎王师者有国典,宠物大小自有限制。 至于魏族,枝叶,中外,皆有数,能判断利害,判断服从与服从。 除了原来的。 昔日,富国与支家绝对亲近,受到全族祝福。 魏子去殷,项伯归汉,皆为毛屠所庆。 前世也是一次明确的考验。 若不回头,则助民于乱,不遵君命,杀其妻儿,不得赦免。 广宣其恩,借其元帅,绞其残民。 他就像一道圣旨,宰相将其昭示于世,以便他说出我所要说的话。”】

十年春,显露攻斜谷,却不能克。 冬,回三关,包围陈仓,将粮食全部归还。 魏将王双率军追梁,与梁交战,破之,斩二人,还荆州。

第三年春,梁遣陈实攻项城、阴平,绥克定二县。 冬季,梁迁府扎营于南山下平原,筑韩、乐两城。 是年孙权继位,与蜀结盟,瓜分天下。

八年秋,魏遣东城司马懿,子午张郃,岐山曹真,【谢,于涉转。 】攻打荆州。 首相在安乡和赤坂等待着他们。 这一年,魏延击败魏臣,留下太守郭淮在阳西。 迁鲁王,永远为甘陵王。 梁王称安平王,因鲁、梁在吴地界。

九年春正月,梁回到斜谷,被大军包围,开始用木牛运输。 魏司马懿与张郃救出麦城。 夏五月,梁粮尽,撤退。 追至清风,与梁对峙,被箭射死。 秋九月,废都督李平,迁仁寿县。 【汉晋春秋曰:冬腊月,有鸟自江阳至江州,飞越江南飞至江北。 】


十一年冬,梁遣诸军运米,集齐山口,统治马地亭。 这一年,南夷刘周叛乱,将军马忠击败。

十二年春正月,光出岐山,始以流马运之。 秋九月,梁病逝于钦州。 攻克燕国的大将魏延与宰相杨仪在夺权问题上发生争执。 联军互相攻击,延津进犯; 大赦。 以左将军吴仪为车骑将军,冒充徐州刺史。 宰相六福长史蒋琬为大臣政令,宰相为国事。

十五年春二月,废中军师杨仪,迁汉嘉县。 夏六月,入姜琬为将军。

十四年夏五月,皇后主至建,【陈松案:建,县名,属蜀郡,音建。 】登关坂,观汶水溪流,十日回南京。 迁居福建钦州地王及广都地民400余户。


延熹元年春二月,即立张皇后。 大赦,元变。 立子轩为太子,子尧为安定王。 冬十一月,将军蒋琬出咸阳。





五年腊月,大司马江琬从西安归来,住于府。 十一月,大赦。 以费祎为尚书将军。

旧历五年,魏将曹爽、夏侯玄等进军西安,镇压青化的将军王平不肯围兴师。 费祎将军督诸军救援,魏军败退。 夏五月,安平王离死。 秋八月,毅回到南京。

八年秋九月,皇帝去世。 十二月,费祎将军到西安,围之。

九年夏四月,费祎回到南京。 秋天,大赦。 冬十一月,大司马江琬去世。 【魏略曰:万死,禅自述国事。 】

六年,钦州胡王白虎文、​​知无待等投降。 魏将军姜维迎叛安抚,寓居范县。 是年文山平,康熙叛,魏去讨破平。

十一年夏六月,将军费祎出征兴平。 秋,重庆民乱,车骑将军邓植前讨,皆败。

十二年春二月,魏诸大将军曹爽等与右将军夏侯霸前来投降。 夏月,特赦。 秋天,魏将军姜维进攻蔡州,未能返回。 将军举安、李绍降魏。


十四年夏天,费祎将军返回南京。 冬季,他北返,驻扎常德。 大赦。

十五年,吴王孙权死。 李子聪成为西河王。

十六年春二月,将军费祎在宁乡被魏后裔郭秀所杀。 夏五月,卫将军姜维甫率军围困泉州,未能返回。

十七年春二月,姜维回到南京。 大赦。 夏五月,韦孚率众出婺源。 冬季,永州、河间、河关、临洮三县占领汉中、范县。 】

十八年春,姜维回到南京。 夏季,又率兵出城皋,与太守王景魏陈留战于洮溪,大败。 退出雍丘城保护后,魏居中体。

十九年春,姜维入大将军,督兵马。 一次会见庙镇将军胡季奇,胡季奇却违背了誓言。 秋九月,魏将邓艾败于上虞。 魏军撤退,返回南京。 这一年,李子瓒登基为新平王。 大赦。

In the year 26, Jiang Weifu led his troops out of Luogu to Manshui after hearing that Zhuge Dan, the great general of Wei, had rebelled against Yuzhang. It is the age of amnesty.

In the first year of Jingyao, Jiang Wei returned to Nanjing. The historian said that Jing Xing saw him, so he gave amnesty and changed the year. The eunuch Huang Hao began to rule. Sun Wei, the great general of Wu, abolished his leader Liang and established King Xiu of Yongzhou.

In the summer and April of the second year, Zichen was established as the king of Beidi, Xun as king of Xinxing, and Qian as king of Shangdang.

In autumn and August of the fifth year, the posthumous posthumous generals Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Pang Tong, and Huang Zhong were pursued.

In the first month of the spring of the fourth year, he pursued the posthumous posthumous general Zhao Yun. In the twelfth lunar month, amnesty.

In the spring and February of the third year, King Cong of Xihe died. This year, Jiang Weifu led the crowd out of Houhe, was broken by Deng Ai, and still lived in Tazhong.

In the summer of ten years, Wei Changping's disciples ordered Deng Ai, general of Zhengxi, Zhonghui, general of Zhenxi, and Zhuge Xu, master of Yongzhou, to attack together. So Zhang Yi, Liao Hua, General Dong Jue and others were sent to reject him. amnesty. Changed Yuan to Yanxing. In winter, Deng Ai broke the guard general Zhuge Zhan in Meishan. Qiao Zhouce, a doctor with admonishment, descended to Ai, and wrote a letter saying: "Limited division of Jiang and Han, the value of encounter is far-reaching, the ranks are related to the land of Shu, the struggle is absolutely quiet, the dry luck is illegal, and it has gradually passed through the history, so it is with Jingji You Thousands of miles away. Every time on the second day of Huang Chu, the civil servants ordered Huya General Xian Yufu to proclaim the edict of gentleness and secrets, to express the kindness of the three good people, to reveal the door, to uphold righteousness, but to deny virtue and be weak, to steal the legacy of corruption, and to worship for many years. Did not lead a great teaching. The power of the sky is shaken, and the number of people and ghosts return to power. The king's master is terrified. He is inferior to the martial arts. Dare not to change his face and obey his orders! He ordered the commanders to cast their arms and release their armies, and the government Nuzang had nothing Destroyed. The common people spread the fields, and the remaining grains live in the acres, so as to benefit later, the order of the whole Yuan Yuan. Fuwei Dawei Bude Shihua, Zaifu Yi and Zhou, covering the Tibetan disease. I would like to send Zhang Shao, the Ministry of Rites of the Private Office, Doctor Guanglu, Qiao Zhou, and concubine Jiedu envoy Deng Liang received a seal of reprieve, please order to be honest, respect the loyalty money, and give the imperial edict in danger, but only the judge. The public is close, and there will be no more news." It is the day, the North The king of the land, Chen, killed his wife first, and then self-mutilated. 【Han-Jin Spring and Autumn Period said: The master of the future will follow Qiao Zhou's policy. The king of the Northland said angrily: "If the reason is weak and the power is subdued, disaster and defeat will inevitably come. Let the brothers and sisters, monarchs and ministers fight against the city, and die together in the country, so that we can see the former emperor." The master refused to accept it, so he sent the seal for a while. On that day, Chen wept in Zhaolie's temple, first killed his master, and then hanged himself, surrounded by officials and people. 】Shao, Liang and Ai met in Luo County. Ai Deshu, great joy, that is, newspaper, [Wang Yin Shu Ji said: Ai Baoshu said: "Wang Gang lost his way, all heroes rose together, dragons and tigers fought, and finally belonged to the father god. This is the way to go and follow the destiny. Since ancient times, the holy emperor , Yuan captured the Han and Wei, and was ordered to become the king, and he did not care about the middle land. He produced maps, Luo published books, and the sages followed them to promote the prosperity of the industry. It was not because of this, and there was no one who did not overthrow. Gongsun Shu was destroyed according to Shu. This is the lesson of the overturned cart in the previous life. The sage Mingzhe, the prime minister Zhongxian, the general Bilong Huangxuan, and the meritorious deeds passed on. Deyin, this is not a human matter, how can it be inspired by heaven! In the past, Wei Zi returned to the Zhou Dynasty, and he was actually a guest of honour. Province is the first, followed by breaking the country. Since I am not wise and wise, how can I see the righteousness of the king!" Zen also sent Taichang Zhang Jun, Yizhou, don't drive Ruchao to accept the festival, and sent the eunuch Jiang Xianyou to order Jiang dimension. He also sent Shang Shulang Li Hu to send the book of scholars and people, with 280,000 households, 940,000 men and women, 102,000 armored officers and soldiers, 4,000 officials, more than 400,000 dendrobium of rice, and 2,000 catties of gold and silver each. , 200,000 bolts of brocade silk and colorful silk, and the rest are called this. 】Send Shao and Liang to return first. When Ai reached the south of the city, the Empress Dowager tied himself up with his wife, and went to the gate of the army. Ai untied and burned the tree, and met together. [A poem by the envoy of the Jin Dynasty said: Liu Chan went to Ai in a mule cart, and he did not have the gift of subjugation. 】Because of inheriting the system and worshiping the queen, the master is the general of hussars. Zhu Weishou was ordered by the queen master, and then descended. Ai envoys the Empress to stop his Forbidden City and go to build Yan himself. The qualifications have not yet been issued, and in the spring and February of this year, Ai Jian received it. Zhong Hui made troubles from Fu to Beijing. After the meeting was dead, the army in the middle of Shu made a lot of money, and the death and mourning were in a mess. It took a few days to gather together.

The Empress moved his family to the east, and when he arrived in Xinxiang, he ordered him to say: "Only Dinghai in the first month of the third year of Jingyuan. The Taishang Emperor Linxuan made Taichang Jia ordered Liu Chan to be the Duke of Anle County. Yuxi, he will follow my orders! Gai To rule the sky and carry things, take Jingzhou as the big, light house the world, and take time and prosperity as its prosperity. Therefore, those who cultivate all living beings are the way of the monarch and people, and those who follow the sky are the righteousness of Kunyuan. Harmony, common people get Yi. It is because the Han family lost its order, and Liuhe was disturbed. My great-grandfather carried Longxing, Hongji Xingyi, and used it to obey the sky and obey the people. Nine clothes are not quiet, taking advantage of the time to block the distance, and protecting Yongshu, so the west corner is sealed off, and the outside is blocked. Since then, the people of Yuan and Yuan have not been able to protect their nature. I will always follow the teachings of the courtiers, think in the world, lead the land to the same track, so I will organize the six divisions, show off the prestige of Liang and Yi. Gonghui respects morality, upholds integrity, is not afraid to bow and submit, and loves the people and the whole province is the most important , Calm down and think about it, respond to changes, follow your words and think smoothly, and enjoy the rest without borders, wouldn't it be far away! Zhenjia and the princes and princes feast on Xianlu, use the pre-examination and counseling training, found the country and follow the soil, follow the rules In the old scriptures, it is said that Xuanmu, with the skin of the earth, will be the assistant of the Wei Fan forever, and go to Qinzai! The public only obeys my orders, and conquers the heart of the Lujiang River, so that he will be strong in the end." Horses, thousands of slaves, he is called it. There are more than 50 descendants who are envoys of the three festivals. Shang Shu Ling Fan Jian, Shi Zhong Zhang Shao, Guanglu Doctor Qiao Zhou, Secretary Ling Quezheng, and Palace Governor Zhang Tong were named Liehou. [The Spring and Autumn Period of the Han Jin Dynasty said: King Sima Wen and the Zen Banquet, for which he made a fuss about Shu skills, everyone else was saddened by it, but Zen laughed and was depressed. The king called Jia Chong and said: "People are ruthless, so it can be so! Although Zhuge Liang is here, it can't be supplemented for a long time, how many Jiang Weixie?" , the king asked Zen: "Do you miss Shu?" In Long and Shu, the heart is sad to the west, and I don't think about it every day, because I closed my eyes." The king of Hui asked again, and he said to him as before, "Why do you seem to be right, but the words are evil!" Zen was shocked and said: "It's like respecting life. . " Both sides laughed. 】Gongtai died in Xinxiang in the first six years. [Shu Ji Yun: The posthumous posthumous name is Sigong, and the son Xun heir. 】

The comment said: The post-principal and virtuous prime minister are the rulers who follow reason, and those who are confused and eunuchs are the ones who are in the dark. After that, it is said that "plain silk is impermanent, but what is dyed" is true! Ritual, the monarch followed the body, and changed to Yuan after a year, and in the fifth year of Zhang Wu, it was called Jianxing, and the ancient meaning of the examination was violated. Also, the country does not have history, and there are no officials in the notes, so there are too many things to do, and disasters and disasters are exhausted. Although Zhuge Liang was good at governing, there is still something like this. However, the scriptures have been recorded for twelve years and the name is not easy, and the army has repeatedly risen and amnesty is not rash, it is not so outstanding! Since the light disappeared, the system has gradually declined, good or bad. [Huayang Guozhi said: When the prime minister was in the light, there was a saying that the public would forgive those who pardoned, and the light might say: "Governing the world is based on great virtues, not small favors, so Kuang Heng and Wu Han are unwilling to be pardoned. The former emperor also said that I deal with Chen Yuanfang, Zheng Zheng During the Kangcheng period, every time he saw the announcement, he knew the way to control the chaos, and he never said forgiveness. If Liu Jingsheng, Ji Yu's mother and son were forgiven every year, what good would it be for governance!" Chen Songzhi thought that "pardon will not be rash", Sincerity can be called, but as for "the name of the year is not easy", it is still not achieved. The titles of Jianwu and Jian'an in the case have not been changed for a long time, and they are considered good talk if they have not heard of history. What is the meaning of "Twelve Scriptures"? Don't you have other intentions, what you ask for is not enough! After Liang's death, the number of Yanxi's number increased by 20, and "the system is gradually losing money", which is not the case. 】

"Three Kingdoms" Annotation of Song Pei Song in the Southern Dynasties



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